17 May Catalogues Remain a Shining Light for Retailers
The traditional hard copy catalogue remains a dominant driving force with today’s shoppers, despite the increased spend on new media. The latest Australian Shopper Intent Report from AMP Capital Shopping Centres has named the colour catalogue as the medium with the highest level of influence on shoppers purchase decisions.
SALES: According to the Australian Catalogue Association, some Australian retailers see their sales spike 40% after a catalogue has been distributed
REACH: Retail catalogues make it into 6.5 million letterboxes twice a week
TARGET: Some would think that catalogues only appeal to older generations, yet 28% of 18-24 year olds and 25% of 25-34 year olds named brochures as their preferred information source prior to purchase.
It is important that your catalogue speaks to all the right clients and the better designed your catalogue is, the wider range of consumers it will appeal to. At PointB we have an experienced team of designers who can create a broadly appealing catalogue for your product or service.
If you want to give your sales a boost, contact PointB on 03 9521 8555
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